Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

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Claudiu (Softland)
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Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

In order to generate your PDF files without using the save as dialog in the process, you need to set the folder and the file programmatically. Examples and other considerations on how to do this are available here: ... g-139.html
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Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by J T »

I am experimenting with NovaPDF and this is something we are considering buying to use in our application. I looked at the C# sample that is provided int he above link, 'Save As' dialog still comes up. this is what I did
1. Add reference to interop.novaapilib.dll
2. Added the Globals.cs to my project
3. object declaration in the main class private NovaPdfOptionsClass mobjNovaOptios;
3. code in form load
mobjNovaOptios = new NovaPdfOptionsClass();
mobjNovaOptios.Initialize(PRINTER_NAME, "", "", "");
4. Code in Print_Click
// set generated PDF file destination folder "c:\"
mobjNovaOptios.SetOptionString2(NovaOptions.NOVAPDF_SAVE_FOLDER, "c:\\", SMALL_SIZE_PROFILE, PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC);
mobjNovaOptios.SetOptionString2(NovaOptions.NOVAPDF_SAVE_FILE, "sample_nova.pdf", SMALL_SIZE_PROFILE, PROFILE_IS_PUBLIC);

my_viewer.Print() //this is our viewer and this function works.

So, PDF is created but 'Save As' dialog from Nova is still shown.
I am using evaluation version of SDK and novaPDF with SDK 7 printer.

Please let me know what i might be missing. This is very critical to my project.
Thanks and appreciate your help.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


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Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by pdfuser »


I am experimenting with NovaPDF and this is something we are considering buying to use in our application. I looked at the C# sample that is provided in the above link, 'Save As' dialog still comes up. Please let me how can it be hidden. I want to convert the file to pdf internally without user interaction.

Also i am looking specific example for infopath to pdf conversion. please help with useful sample for the same.


Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 284
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Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


Please access the following link to view how to hide the Save As dialog programmatically: ... g-139.html

For the infopath to PDF conversion, i am afraid we do not have an example script for the same. These are all the samples available:

Thank you.
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Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by pdfuser »

Thanks. I am able to hide the "Save As" dialog but moving further i want to generate PDF file without even "Print" dialog.
i want to automate the process of generating PDF file from infopath in the background by giving source file in the code.


Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 284
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Generating PDF files without the Save As dialog

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


novaPDF does not have other Print related dialogs except the Save as one.
So the Print you are getting now is from either the Infopath application or a 3rd party program you are using with it.
So i am afraid we cannot assist you on this issue as we do not offer support for 3rd party applications.

Thank you.
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