How Convert a document into pdf using ASP.NET

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How Convert a document into pdf using ASP.NET

Post by kmthileep »

I checked out your sample.
This have the codes to convert a text(String). I want to convert a file(Image,doc etc).
Your VB.Net samples got convert files. But in ASP.NET don't got.
It is possible to convert a file in ASP.NET.
If possible please sent me some samples.

Thanks and regards,

Lorant (Softland)
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Re: How Convert a document into pdf using ASP.NET

Post by Lorant (Softland) »

We don't have any more samples for ASP.NET, but are you saying that the sample we have posted doesn't actually work?

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:42 am

Re: How Convert a document into pdf using ASP.NET

Post by kmthileep »

What we need is a sample to convert a file like ms word (.doc), ms excel (.xls) to pdf. The sample you provided just shows us how to create a a pdf file from string of characters.

We are currently evaluating a tool that can convert any file format to pdf to be open in viewer such as flexpaper. Our development environment is ASP.NET. We need the pdf converter to allow us to specify a source file for example a execel file and convert it to pdf via code.

Could you please assist us on how we could do this as we would like to pursue purchasing the tool if it meets our needs.

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