problems with OEM setup

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problems with OEM setup

Post by coronam »

I have to redistribute a novaPDF OEM with an Application, and so I have insert novaPDF OEM setup in its installer.
For install PDF Printer, I run navpd.exe with arguments, but I have some problem:
when is a first install everything is working properly, but if I run setup for update although I have added switch /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESMSGBOXES it Show Message that ask if I want reinstall printer.
I can test if your printer is already present and if so do not install, but this way I can't update when will release a new version of novaPDF. Can I suppress all messages and force install?
I temporarily solved this issue by uninstalling and reinstalling novaPDF all times.... but this causes another major problem: if there are more than one application that uses novaPDF, uninstall the printer by running unins000.exe deletes the first printer installed... and NOT a printer that I want delete.
Is possible save uninst000.exe in other path or with a fix known name? this also would solve the same issue during uninstall.


Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: problems with OEM setup

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Hello, we suggest that you first check if you did not misspell the /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES parameter (double S), this might be the reason why you are receiving the message boxes during setup.

The un-installer does not take the printer name as argument indeed. Unfortunately we do not have a technical solution for this.

For installing new versions, you might be interested in next parameters:
/NoInstallIfExists - Instructs setup to check if a printer with the same name is already installed, and if it is, does not start the installation
/NoInstallIfVersion="major version.minor no" - Instructs setup to check if a printer with the same name is already installed. If it is, it checks what version is installed. If the version installed is older than the given parameter, it proceeds with installation. If the installed version is the same or newer then the given parameter, it does not start the installation.
/InstallOnlyNewerVer - Instructs setup to check if a printer with the same name is already installed, and if it is installed, if it is an older version. If the same or newer version is already installed, it does not start installation.

Thank you.
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