Append to existing document is missing half the pages

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Append to existing document is missing half the pages

Post by gabe17 »


So I use Sage 50 Accounting, and it has a bulk print option for pay stubs.

I've been using it with NovaPDF for a few years now without a single hiccup.

Now when I try to print the batch of 39 pay stubs I get 23 pages, sometimes 21, and sometimes 22, but always in that range.

I've printed using the same system to our normal printer, and all 39 pay stubs printed fine, so I'm leaning on blaming this issue on NovaPDF instead of Sage's batch printing system.

Anyone else recently experiencing issues with batch printing / and the appending tool that should seamlessly add pages without a popup?



Lorant (Softland)
Posts: 177
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Re: Append to existing document is missing half the pages

Post by Lorant (Softland) »

Does this happen only to that particular document or to other documents as well? If only to that, we'd need somehow access to page 21/22/23 from the original document to see which element triggers an error. Please email us at [email protected] as we'll need more details regarding this issue.

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