Print as single page

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Print as single page

Post by votrechien »

I'm printing a multiple page document. I have it set to save as 01.pdf, 02.pdf, etc.

I would like it just to save it all as one document combined into one. How can I do this? I can just select all of the files and combine them as one pdf after, but this is just one extra step :)

Thanks in advance.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Print as single page

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


You can print into a single PDF file without taking any additional steps. Can you please tell me from what application you are doing the printing?

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Re: Print as single page

Post by votrechien »


I am doing it from a program called Stone Edge Order Manager which is built on MS Access (although for all intents and purposes, it has its own interface).

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Print as single page

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


novaPDF can be configured to append new created PDf files to existing PDF files. Using this option, you may append each PDF to the previous one, obtaining in the end a single PDF that will contain all pages.

If you use novaPDF with the "Prompt Save As" dialog, there is an option called "Append to existing PDF file". Check this option if you wish the currently generated PDF file to be appended to an existing one.

If you configured novaPDF to save PDF files silently, without the save as dialog, there is an option "Append to existing PDF file" for the "When file exists" option in the Save options.

In case you use this feature, you have to take care that the documents that you wish to append are printed sequentially, and one document is printed only when the previous one is finished. Otherwise, the page order in the resulting PDF file is unpredictable.

Thank you.
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Re: Print as single page

Post by votrechien »


That does the trick exactly. Your extended support means it's a non-brainer to buy after we've tried =)

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