programfiles variable 32-bit vs 64-bit app trigger

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programfiles variable 32-bit vs 64-bit app trigger

Post by anupcmistry »

We install 7.xx with following command line

novapv.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOCANCEL /NORESTART /PrinterName="PrinterName" /OEMApplication="Application" /OEMCompany="ABC, Inc." /OEMSaveFolder="#temp#" /OEMActionApp="#programfiles#\ABC\MyPrinter\PrinterSave.exe"

Our application PrinterSave.exe is 32-bit.

Above combination works fine for 32-bit PC.

If PC is 64-bit PC then the %programfiles% variable points to the 64-bit program files (C:\Program Files\) when in-fact it should be pointing to %programfiles(x86)% (C:\Program Files (x86)). I cannot use %programfiles(x86)% variable on a 32-bit PC as it does not exist.

So question is how do I change the novaPDF install so it can find the C:\Program Files\ folder on 32-bit PC and C:\Program Files(x86)\ folder on 64-bit PC for a 32-bit app.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: programfiles variable 32-bit vs 64-bit app trigger

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Hello, novaPDF installs as a 64 bit application on x64 computers and this is the reason why the %PROGRAMFILES% environment variable points to C:\Program Files in novaPDF context.
We do not have a solution now for this situation, but we will make a change in our installer so these situation will work too. We suggest to use the #programfiles(x86)# variable for the /OEMActionApp parameter, and we will make a check in our setup, if the setup runs on 32 bit computers we will replace this variable with #programfiles# environment variable.

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Re: programfiles variable 32-bit vs 64-bit app trigger

Post by anupcmistry »

By when do you think you will be able to make this change?

Meanwhile do you have any other workaround for me? Like a suggestion of another system environment variable that will remain the same between 32-bit and 64-bit applications? Thinking maybe the %SYSTEMDRIVE% variable with work? So in the installer I put this variable in as #SYSTEMDRIVE#\MyPrinter\PrinterSave.exe ... correct?

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: programfiles variable 32-bit vs 64-bit app trigger

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Hello, We did not find an environment variable for the Program Files folder for 32 bits, the way you wish to use it. But if you are willing to place the files in a different folder, you may use indeed the SYSTEMDRIVE or any other environment variable.
We will release a new build in a week or two.

Thank you.
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