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Copying more than what is viewable

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:08 am
by Bill
I am unable to copy a larger section of a PDF than what is viewable on my screen. That is if I enlarge a document and try to copy a section of the PDF the screen does not move to allow me to copy a larger section of the document. Only the portion that is viewable can be captured.

When using Acrobat Reader, I can zoom in on the document and still select for copy more of the document; when selecting the section to copy the viewable portion moves with the selection tool so I can capture exactly what I want in the size that I need.

Is this a deficiency in novaPDF or did I mess up in some fashion?

Re: Copying more than what is viewable

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:20 am
by Claudiu (Softland)

We do not provide a viewer as well for the PDF documents, only the printer who converts what it receives from the viewer you are using.

So you will need to contact the developers of the viewer used for the issue.