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novaPDF OEM - Network Print

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:32 pm
by rieco
Hi another question:

Is it possible to install novaPDF OEM also as a network printer. Or install novaPDF OEM on a Windows 2000 Print Server and distrubte the Printer to all other client in the lan?

Thanks for your answer.

Best regards

Re: novaPDF OEM - Network Print

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:51 am
by Lorant (Softland)
Hi Michael, unfortunately Windows 2000 is not supported anymore.

Re: novaPDF OEM - Network Print

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:23 pm
by rieco
Hello Softland,

thanks for the answer.

Another question: Is it possible to install the novaPDF OEM as a network printer saving the pdf files on a network volume. So Users can install the Printer Local (accessable over the Server who installed the printer original, like a server) and then the printed documents will be saved as a pdf on the network path with the local username (not the username of the server) as filename?

Best regards,

Re: novaPDF OEM - Network Print

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:58 pm
by Lorant (Softland)
Yes, this is possible. When installing novaPDF OEM, set the folder where to save the pdf files with full UNC path and take care that the users have rights to create files in this folder. For the file name you may use the macro that will be replaced with the user that started the print job.