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No dopdf printer in Windows Devices and Printers

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:28 pm
by rjp21
I installed doPDF 10. I can see it in the Control Panel | Programs and Features. (version 10.1.112)

However, I do not see it in the Devices and Printers list.

I went to the Services window and tried to start the novaPDF 10 Server, but it could not find the file.

Please help. I tried going back to a previous system restore point where I could see the doPDF printer in the Devices and Printers list. However, when I tried to modify the properties, it could not find the driver.

(note, I have successfully used previous versions of doPDF on this laptop.) TIA.

Re: No dopdf printer in Windows Devices and Printers

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:08 pm
by Claudiu (Softland)
Please try again with v11.

Re: No dopdf printer in Windows Devices and Printers

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:21 am
by Johnharper
The file you download should be named dopdf.exe without any other digits/characters - I'm not sure what you downloaded but that doesn't seem to be the setup. I suggest you download it directly from official website.
