My fervent wish

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My fervent wish

Post by DennisE20850 »

I am the publisher of a newsletter of 40 or so pages that is distributed via email in pdf,
and am very happy with Nova pdf as the conversion tool from MS Publisher to pdf. To
keep the resultant pdf file of reasonable length, I use a density of 144 or 150 dpi, which
is just fine for text, even down to 8-point type. The trouble is that each issue will contain
a couple of fine art drawings throughout the document that should really be converted
to pdf at 600 dpi to bring out subtle detail. So my fervent wish is that I could set
the conversion density to 150 dpi for most pages, but to 600 dpi for the pages
with fine art.

-- Dennis in Rockville

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 284
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: My fervent wish

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


We will take this into consideration for development in the upcoming versions.

Thank you.
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