Stitch PDF Pages to one large TIFF document

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Stitch PDF Pages to one large TIFF document

Post by MdoeHaji »

Can NovaPDF provide a feature to join together (stitch) many pages in a PDF document and create one continuous document in the TIFF format. E.g: I use NovaPDF to print geological logs that are >60 pages. The client sometimes wants just one document in the TIFF format. In this case we just need to join the PDF document pages end-to-end to create that one TIFF document.

Can NovaPDF consider this?

Thanks and Regards

Anthony L.
Calgary, Canada

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Stitch PDF Pages to one large TIFF document

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

We'll take this into account, right now it's possible to join many pages in a single PDF document (many pages even from different programs), but there's no way to export it as a .tiff, only as a .pdf

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