Mixed Portrait and Landscape pdf from Word

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Mixed Portrait and Landscape pdf from Word

Post by billb »

I'm trying to convert a Word doc into pdf.
The Word doc has multiple sections, some are in portrait page orientation and some are in landscape orientation.
Is it possible to generate a single pdf of the entire Word document that has correct page orientations throughout? Currently when I convert it all pages end up as portrait.

Generating a seperate pdf for each section and then stitching together is possible but highly impractical due to limitations of the hardware (using the 'append to existing pdf' option locks up the computer system here) and software (I don;t have access to AdobePro so have to get someone else to stitch individual pdfs together).

Any suggestions welcome.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Mixed Portrait and Landscape pdf from Word

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Hello, As it appears you have also sent an email to our support department, it will be replied there.

Thank you.
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