Nova PDFs text invisible in Mac OS Preview

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Nova PDFs text invisible in Mac OS Preview

Post by jeffk »

Hello all,

I have discovered a problem where documents created with NovaPDF Lite show up empty in Mac OS X Preview.

From MS Word 7 Windows, if I print a letter using NovaPDF, all pages appear blank in Mac OS X Preview.
If I choose "Save As" PDF in Word, the document appears normal in Mac OS X Preview.

Any ideas to solve this?

Document creator
Windows 7, MS Word, NovaPDF Lite v. 7.3.353

Document Viewer
Mac OS 10.5.8, Preview

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 286
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Nova PDFs text invisible in Mac OS Preview

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


The Mac OS font embedding engine is different than the Windows one and that may cause issues with the ported files. We do not support Mac OS so we cannot test this issue with the Mac Preview to determine exactly what the issue may be however we can suggest a few changes.

Before you print the files make sure all the fonts are embedded as it may make a difference. To do this please go to the novaPDF Printing preferences window, access the Fonts tab, check the "Embed all used fonts" option and uncheck the "Never embed fonts" box in the lower right area.

Let us know how it goes after making these changes.

Thank you.
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