Unable to view pdf

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Unable to view pdf

Post by scotta »

I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue, but here's my story. My employer uses the novaPDF Printer Professional 2.5 to view and print statements for our members. This version works great in Win XP, but sadly it does not allow us to view the documents in Windows 7. So I thought that by upgrading to the novaPDF Professional Desktop 7 I would then have that ability. Unfortunately that did not work. The documents print splendidly, but I cannot figure out how to bring up an image to view it. I looked in the printer preferences, but I don't see an option to turn on the feature. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Unable to view pdf

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Hello, novaPDF only converts the file to a PDF, does not also provide a viewing application for it after the conversion. You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader to be able to open the file afterwards.

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Re: Unable to view pdf

Post by melaniemlocklear72 »

I'm having the same problem. Thanks for the answer.

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