Word Headings no PDF Bookmarks

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Word Headings no PDF Bookmarks

Post by rblock »


I'm using Word 2010 and now I've to say that I am really angry! :evil:

I almost or really tried all thats possible: createt new headings copied the whole document in a new empty one but nothing works. The Word headings are not convertet to PDF Bookmarks.

First it was sometimes that it does not work but today nothing works!

Another thing what makes me angry is that there is no possibility to order the Word headings alphabetically or to search for a certain one. :(

So at the moment I just pray that Adobe will update its Acrobat so that I will get an update to my FrameMaker 9 with its distiller that will work with Office 2010.

Angry greetings


Claudiu (Softland)
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Re: Word Headings no PDF Bookmarks

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


If you are using novaPDF either the main converter or the add-in in performing any of your conversions please let me know the version and build along with the Windows OS version you are using so we can troubleshoot this.

Thank you.
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Re: Word Headings no PDF Bookmarks

Post by Guest »


I tried both, the Add-In at first because I usually us it and then the converter. But suprising was that even if I select the novaPDF printer and the Word 2010 document, after clicking on create Word, opens and then whether the novaPDF dialog appears or word is printing on the other default printer if it is not novaPDF. I do not like to use the novaPDF printer as default. :(

I'm using Windows 7 x64 and Microsoft Office 2010 Prof. 32 bit.

It's a pitty that it is not possible to upload the document to see if it is just a problem of my system. :(

Sighing greetings


Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 284
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Word Headings no PDF Bookmarks

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »


We tested the document conversion from our end using your specified configuration but there aren't any issues with the conversion or anything related to the process. Please send us the document you tried to print and got the issue with at [email protected] for further troubleshooting.
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